
On behalf of the entire Executive Board of MFSIA, I am proud to welcome you to our web site. One of the Board’s goals for the past few years was to better utilize our web site as a tool to communicate with everyone in the fire service. We also have started doing some of the Board’s business by using our web site and e-mails. Hard copies to membership are not a cost effective way of doing business, especially when we have and pay for a web site. One of our newest features, is that you can now pay dues and sign-up for conferences using your charge card.

A goal of this Board is to recruit one member from every fire department in the state of Michigan to become a member of this Association. Just think of how good we all could be if everyone was represented within this Association. One of the benefits of belonging to MFSIA is that as a member, you receive a one-million dollar liability policy to cover your teachings. So help us help you, by becoming a member MFSIA.

We as a Board are always looking for input from all of you in the fire service. Your input helps us make decisions in the best interest of everyone, plus we need to know what your needs are, so we as a Board, we are pursuing what’s needed throughout the state.

Donald Bigger-  President, MFSIA

MFSIA Board of Directors

Donald Bigger  

Exec President      donbig@comcast.net  


Brian Blomstrom   

Exec Vice-President



Christopher Dean  




Rick VanHorn   

Secretary     rick.vanhorn@mfsia.com


Nick Vaught      

UP Vice-President


Bill Parker

North Vice President


Ray Wilson 

East Vice-President


Jamal Mickles

South Vice President


Jack Johnson    

West Vice-President


MFSIA Members-at-Large

Jamie Faughnan

Member at Large #1


Adam Carroll

Member at Large #2


Charles Pichan

Member at Large #3


Guy Hubbard

Member at Large #4


MFSIA Past President

Mike Cousins          

Past President


Region Map (Click Picture to enlarge)

Revised 12/2/2023



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